CLIENT Grolsch
AGENCY Goud Uberconnected
ROLE Concept
"Can we do something fun for International Men's Day?" Yes we can! Because nothing is better than unleash your inner luberjack and carf a swing-top bottle out of wood with a chainsaw. Right? Joost, aka Major Woody, was our hero. On a beautiful morning, we made this awesome time-lapse video for Grolsch. Blood, sweat, and even a few tears were shed.
BRIEF Generate a social campaign for International Mens Day to highlight one of our brand values: Craftmanship.
INSIGHT The die-hard fans the true enthusiasts of Grolsch absolutely love Grolsch merchandise.
CONCEPT To celebrate International Men's Day, we will be carving a Swingtop bottle out of wood using a chainsaw and giving it away to the person who will guess what we're creating.
To generate more engagement Grolsch followers were invited to guess what we were creating and had the chance to win the finished artwork.