Orangina Bulby / Shake the pulp!

CLIENT Orangina
AGENCY Goud Uberconnected
ROLE Concept

In the 90s, TV commercials were made featuring Bulby being vigorously shaken. Because before you drink Orangina, you have to shake it first! To create this "snackable video content," we have brought Bulby back to life. Shake the pulp!

BRIEF Develop a fun and engaging social media format.

INSIGHT Shake the pulp before drinking Orangina!

CONCEPT We show the Orangina mascot being shaken in different "extreme" ways.

In order to reach our target audience and encourage more engagement, we posted several videos featuring Bulby being shaken on the Orangina Facebook page. Afterwards, we asked our followers to share their preferred method for shaking Bulby. We wanted to actually develop the best ideas.

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