Grolsch / Newsjack Yuri van Gelder

CLIENT Grolsch
AGENCY Goud Uberconnected
ROLE Concept, Copy and Design

Are we crossing some lines here? Or did we find a clever way to tie in? Opinions vary. Nonetheless, this newsjacking content post has sparked conversation and surpassed its objectives. Mission accomplished. 


INSIGHT Yuri van Gelder was send home from the Olympics after alcohol abuse.

CONCEPT If you want to stay a bit longer, consider drinking an alcohol-free beer.


"The message refers to a match between moment, brand, and newsjack topic. The Grolsch brand with Radler matches the beer-drinking Yuri van Gelder, who was sent away from the Olympics. The content with the two rings and 0.0% and the text "For when you want to hang out a little longer" matches with the moment and with the brand. The content unites the associations of the Olympic Games and Yuri van Gelder with the associations of non-alcoholic beer, through the rings (as a symbol for the gymnastics event and the logo of the Olympics) and the 0.0% percentage that matches non-alcoholic beer, and the text "For when you want to hang out a little longer". And it is precisely this combination of associations that creates a surprising effect of this newsjack content. This is the twist, the divergence. The relevance with the moment and the brand is clearly present."

- Suzanne de Bakker

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