CLIENT Vogelbescherming Nederland
AGENCY Goud Uberconnected - Red Mint
ROLE Concept
Meadow bird populations in the Netherlands are declining due to "green desserts" - fields of ryegrass that lack insects, a vital food source for the birds. To help reverse this trend, we're partnering with farmers to convert grasslands into Rich Pastureland.
BRIEF Come up with a big idea to address the declining Dutch meadow bird population.
INSIGHT Farmers are prepared to transform ryegrass into fertile pastureland in exchange for appropriate compensation.
CONCEPT The "ELKE METER TELT!" (EVERY METER COUNTS!) crowdfunding campaign allows consumers to donate square meters of land.
By donating square meters consumers can get a discount on special dairy products that support the cause. This way we're also encouraging consumers to think about their choise of products. DJ Klaas van Eerden and biologist Camilla Dreef are promoting the campaign through a series of videos. In addition, we wanted to enlist some influencers to donate and help spread the word.